There, I said it. I am not a fan of stinky dogs. I know I should be more open to the idea that having a dog could mean putting up with the stink, but I just don't like it. We got Jake as a puppy and he didn't really smell then. As he grew, so did his smell. My husband and I both thought it was because he had longer hair. I guess we were wrong. When we went on vacation last week we took him to be boarded and also groomed. We decided to get his hair cut short in hopes that it would keep him cooler and our house less smelly. At first I thought it worked, but then after just a couple of days I could smell him again. Mostly it was after he was outside playing in the hot weather. 
Oh well. He is cute even so.
It was worth a try. Now I am back to figuring out how to keep my house smelling good, even with the dog. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?? I am open to ideas.
Your dog is beautiful! I am sorry he is smelly! I have no idea what to do about it! I try to have glade plug ins all around because of the cats. I just do not want our house to smell! I saw your comment at Angie's blog and I came over to say hi!
I think that almost all dogs stink, so dont feel bad! I also think they might sell deodorizing spray for dogs in stores so maybe that will work?
hmmm, no good ones for you here. Some dogs have The Smell, and some don't. Our little Bear was fine if he was dry, but smelt like the epitome of wet dog after a bath, no matter what shampoo we used. Diesel isn't quite as rank. Thank goodness. It just comes with the territory.
I liked these (twilight) books. I'm not one to go gaga over that kind of thing, but these are some I would read again. Eventually. Of course, I like to read, and if whatever it is that I pick up does not entertain, I don't even finish it. So, yeah, I liked these.
We bath our dog, often, mostly to help out with my allergies but it helps to keep the stink down. She doesn't smell unless it is raining or super hot outside. at least that is when I notice it the most.
I totally hear you. My dog is 9 pounds, and no matter if he gets a bath or not, once he comes in from outside...he stinks!
I don't know if this works or not, but have you tried sprinkling baking soda on the carpet before you vacuum? I know that this is suggested to help with smells in carpets. That's all I've got. :-)
Oh, and I had an ultrasound at 10 weeks and I get a second one somewhere between 20 and 22 weeks.
awww... poor stinky dog... he looks like he is sorry he is so stinky!!
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