Wow, I can't even begin to believe how fast the last two months have flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was still pregnant and waiting for Aislynn to get here. And now, already two months old. I took her for her well baby check up this morning. Let me tell you, I just love military clinics. You would think that the military would be more efficient but that is far from the case. My appointment was at 0900 and they want you to be there early so I arrived about 10 minutes early. I checked in and quickly was taken back to get Aislynn's vital signs. Then they say, "Wait out in the waiting room and we will call you back shortly." By now it is about 0920. Twenty minutes later I am called back into a room only to wait for another 10 minutes. The doctor came in, checked out Aislynn, and went on her way. I do have to say that she was actually really nice and didn't act as if she was in a hurry though I know she must of been from the number of people waiting in the waiting room. After being seen by the doctor I was told to wait in the waiting area once again because Aislynn needed her first set of immunizations. Around 1020 we were done, but wait. The person that gave her the shots said I needed to once again wait in the waiting room for about 10 minutes before I left to make sure she wasn't going to have a reaction to anything. Needless to say, I stayed for 5 minutes and was on my way around 1030. My morning was shot by then because I had to get McKenna at 1200. So for the stats on Aislynn. She is now 10 lbs 7 3/4 ounces and 23 3/4 inches. She is long and lean, well kinda lean. Sorry about all the talk about my appointment but is does get old having to wait and wait and wait with a 2 month old and a 2 year old. I wish someone could organize them a little more.
Tommorrow I am planning on finding a place to take the girls for some pumpkin day fun. I know a lot of places around here are doing things for Halloween and I am sure the girls would enjoy it. So, check in later this weekend to see what we did.