Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun with Photos

Today, I one of my friends that's pregnant right now came over so I could take some pregnancy pictures of her. I used her camera since I only have my little old point and shoot still. It was so much fun and now I am even more excited about getting my own "real" camera soon. Sure, I can still take decent pics with the one I have but it's just not the same quality when it comes to editing them. I also don't have as many choices when it comes to settings. So, for today, I set up a make shift studio in my living room and we starting shooting. I think we ended up with a little over a hundred to choose from. Here's just a little preview. I love looking at pregnant bellies...don't you??


Sonya said...

These are great!!

And yes I love looking at pregnant bellies. They are so beautiful and amazing.

Mommy3 said...

What great pictures! You are a professional. :) Just wait till you get that camera!