I am so glad that this week is Constructive Feedback Friday at I Heart Faces. Earlier this week I took some photos of this sweet baby girl who is 4 months old. I don't know what I was doing with the camera at the time but it is overexposed and I can't seem to fix it. I really need help with what to do. Here is the original photo.

And this is the best I could do with editing it. I really wanted it in color but went with black and white because it didn't look as bad. I don't know what else to do with it.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much. To see more visit I Heart Faces.
I really love it, not much feedback here, sorry, not very constructive :(
I think what you did is great! Love the black and white better than the color for sure.
Going back to your original image...
It looks like there is just too much direct light on her. Maybe moving her away from the window a little bit? Since I'm not sure what settings you were using, not sure what to suggest about that.
I think you did a wonderful job on the edited version!
I Heart Faces
I love the black and white! I think maybe just showing the color of her pink bow would be adorable!
I think it looks fantastic in black and white!!
what did you do to the blanket to smooth it out?
Do you shoot in RAW? That saves my life sometime. That way you can "save" your pictures that get overexposed. It is so easy -- you just use the recovery tool and it's like magic.
First I did this: http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-editing/elements/tone-color/
That got me an image with no blown places. Then I selected the background, made a new layer and filled it with black. 3/3/3 instead of 0/0/0.
Then I used the Enhance>Adjust Color>Adjust Color for skin tone. I moved the sliders around until I was happy with it. Then I took out the color casts on the right side of her face. It was just a little pink.
She's got a really cute expression here, and I like the way you saved the b/w :). I hope that helps!
I think your edit was too perfect for words. OH MY GOSH! I love it. What a great picture. VERY sweet and wonderful : )
I love the black and white AND her little squishy tummy :)
Good dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
Well I agree but I about the list inform should prepare more info then it has.
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