This is how my day went:
I woke up early to get Kenna off to school. Today was "crazy hair day" so I had to fix her hair. She was so excited about that it was all she could think about.

Of course then Kambry had to have "crazy hair" too. And Aislynn was just happy to sit there and look pretty.

After getting Kenna off to school I got ready to meet my friend and go dress shopping for a ball gown for the Marine Corps Ball coming up soon. We looked and looked and didn't have any luck at all. Later on in the evening we all went out to dinner at the Olive Garden and it was very yummy as usual. When we got home we had a delicious cake my hubby got me from a cake shop in town. It had raspberry filling and was so good. I even had an extra piece. It was a good day, other than the fact that I still have this yucky cold. That's right, as soon as I was over the stomach bug I got a cold and it's just no fun being sick. I am ready to be better again, to breathe normally and feel like doing more during the day. I guess this weekend when I am alone with the girls because my husband will being running the Marine Corps Marathon I can try to get back into the swing of things. Until next time...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! sounds like a good day even though you didn't find a dress! and the girls look cute as always!
Happy Birthday! Hope you are feeling better soon! That's no fun!
I'm glad to hear you had a good birthday and you have had a lot of accomplishments! So proud of you! I love the "Crazy Hair" on the girls . . . so cute,so fun for them. Happy Birthday, again.
Happy Birthday!! Everyone tells me that 30 was their favorite will have to let us know :)
Happy Birthday!!! I love the crazy hair! Too cute!
Happy Birthday! i hope you feel better soon!
Thats some fun crazy hair! Little sisters always want to be like there big sister. They don't want to feel left out!
Happy birthday! glad that you had a good day. I am sorry that you had a bit of a hard time turning 30. My brother turned 30 last month and had a really hard time with it too. I of course made fun of him but I won't do that to you!! I love how you said what you accomplished in the past 30 years. It is nice to reflect on all the good things!
Happy Birthday...I'll be 38 on Monday!
Good luck to your hubby :)
Ooohhhh I didn't realize it was the big 3-0! 30's have been wonderful so far for me! You will definately enjoy them! Tell Bart good luck! Ben ran that awhile back 2007 I think!
Happy birthday, I hope your day was just wonderful.
I love the girls crazy hair. So much fun.
That stinks that yu are sick! Sounds like you had a nice birthday despite. Love the photos of your beautiful girls!
I turn 30 in a few weeks - ug.
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