Sunday, February 14, 2010

Haircut Time and Valentines

Yes, today is that day of the year that you are supposed to let the ones you love know just how much you love them. To me it's kind of silly but I guess some people need that. So for all you lovebirds out there...have Many I Love Yous and Lots of Kisses and Hugs today. At least it's a good excuse for eating chocolate!

And for other news, Kambry and I got our hair cut. We both really needed it and we are both happy with the results. Here I am:

And here is Kambry:

Have a wonderful day!


Nana said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all have a great day. Your hair and Kambry's haircuts look cute. I bet it feels good, too. I know Kambry probably felt like a princess getting her first haircut.

Dea said...

love the new do's!! Happy valentines day!

Jonna said...

Love your cut, you look great!

Julie Rivera said...

Love the shorter hair on you, Lindsay! Very flattering.

Just Add Walter said...

your hair looks GREAT!!! happy valentines day!!

Simply Complex said...

Mmmm, chocolate.

We never do much for V-Day, You? But, I do eat some chocolate no matter what day it is, actually.

Your girls are adorable as usual! Hope your weekend was good.

Simply Complex said...

P.S. I just realized that I never answered your question- Feb 13th was the last day of my mostly full-time work schedule. Back to Saturdays. Whooopieeee.

Laura and Ryan said...

I love your new hair cut! It's so cute! Happy Valentines!

Mom23WildBoys said...

Love the haircut girly! It's very flattering on you!