Life can't get any better than that. They lay around and sleep almost all day. They get fed, have a warm house, and family that loves them....even when they are bad. I have two cats right now. They keep me busy at times. But, I always can count on one of them to keep my feet warm at night. What a life it is.
If they didn't make me sneeze and my eyes swell shut I might agree!
This is a great shot! Your photography skills have grown sooo much!
Ahhh cats. They can have attitude and its ok because "hey its a cat".
I love these pictures. Seriously you did an amazing job and its a dang cat. I'm impressed.
Oh she/he is a beautiful cat!!!!! Me too...we are a cat family as well. One of ours passed away a few months ago so we've gotten a new kitten as you know and we are enjoying her so much! :)
I have one that looks just like yours. I love when my cat sleeps with me and yes he keeps my feet warm too :)
It has always amazed me about Hemi, how he always has the cleanest face. Hours of grooming and primping, I suppose!
I absolutely love this picture. Wish we were neighbors so you could teach me the tricks of Picnik!
one of our two is curled up next to me keeping me warm. i've often thought the same thing...if only i could stay in the bed like they got to! :) wonderful capture!
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