Yes, that's what I have been...a bad little blogger. I have spent much of the last two weeks just trying to get from day to day. Working is taking up way more time than I thought it would. Then to top it all off I am still working out for an hour a day in the evenings. I try to do the workout right when I get home but sometimes I just want a break so I usually end up doing it after we put Aislynn down for bed.
For the past few days Aislynn has not been feeling well. She has had a temperature off and on since Saturday. I think she is getting two more teeth. She is waking up at least once, if not twice, during the night. She also must have some kind of stomach bug because we have been changing at least two yucky diapers a day. I hope she gets over this soon. I guess it doesn't help when I have to ship her off to day care on the days we both work.
Kambry and McKenna are just loving their time at daycare. They both love to play with the other kids and would rather go to school than stay home. I guess mommy is too boring for them. Laundry and grocery shopping just doesn't entertain them anymore..ha! I am going to get Kambry into a part day preschool program starting in the fall. I think she will really enjoy it and that will give me a little time with just Aislynn.
Work the past two days has been great. I was able to help in two deliveries, both totally different. I think if I can get past the figuring out what to do when and who to call when I need to I will be okay. I am having a great time now and learning so much. At times I feel overwhelmed with information. I think I am going to be doing more labor and nursery stuff over the next week or so and we will see how that goes.
I have not been taking many pictures lately either. My time is limited and when I do have free time I usually spend it relaxing on the couch or checking email and things like that. I am hoping to do a photo shoot with a friend on Friday. This is where I want to go.
We will see if that goes through or not. I want to get back into taking more pictures but I just don't have the energy right now.
What keeps you busy these days? Is the summer going by too fast? Are you ready for winter? Does anyone else have fun trips planned in the next month? I can't wait to get back to Texas. Just another couple of weeks!!